Benefits of Getting Organized
Imagine having guests (or your parents) come over and only needing a few minutes beforehand to straighten up and have the beautiful home that you’d love to show off!
Whether you are a naturally organized human or a hot mess, having some organization in your life can do wonders for your sanity. By getting systems in place, you can start adulting like the responsible human you pretend to be!
When my clients come knocking, they’re usually overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or experiencing a big life change and need some support. Whether you do the organizing yourself or bring in a professional, the benefits are well worth it.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
5 of the Best Reasons to Get Organized
Less stress and anxiety means a happier home - When you are relaxed, the whole family benefits and your relationships can improve. As a mom, I am almost always the one who gets asked where everything is (often without my kids having even tried to look). How did I eliminate the frenzy and anxiety of searching for an item? I created an organized home with labeled shelves and bins that help my kids be more self-sufficient. What mom doesn’t dream of being left alone when they are in the bathroom?
Less waste/More money - No more overbuying needlessly or wasting food! Easily finding what you already have on hand reduces the amount of food you will end up throwing away. When I am organizing a pantry, fridge or freezer, I always find expired items. I have even come across items that are more than a decade old!!! A helpful strategy is once your food is organized, extras can either be in a specific backstock section of the pantry or behind the same item with an earlier expiration date. Taking inventory before shopping trips saves money by eliminating duplicate purchasing.
While there is an initial investment in getting organized, you will save money when you aren’t constantly replacing items you already have but are unable to find. I have frequently heard clients exclaim over something they believed to have been lost or thrown out that was found during our session. Taking inventory of what you already have often helps you curb your tendencies to want to buy more of something you likely don’t need.
Better eating habits - Doing your dishes EVERYDAY and not allowing them to pile up makes your kitchen a calmer space. You are left feeling more inclined to cook healthy meals instead of picking up fast food. This is not only more sanitary than letting your dishes sit, it can also make sharing the workload in the kitchen more equitable.
More time - Are you ready to have more time to relax, enjoy your hobbies, walk aimlessly around Target, or spend time with your family? An organized home allows you to easily find what you need and clean up quickly, leaving you more time for the things you love!
Increased productivity - When my twins were young, I constantly felt pulled in 5 different directions. With less distractions and more time, you can stay focused and efficiently complete work tasks and chores. While I never had issues focusing while growing up, the reality of motherhood is living in a constant state of multi-tasking. I may be in the middle of writing something and suddenly remember 5 other things I need to do for my house, kids, or dogs. I am self-diagnosed with motherhood ADD (trademark pending) so I have constant lists and alarms when I remember something else I need to do! Once written down, I am able to return to my previous task and focus.
Are you ready to reap the benefits of getting your home in order? Whether you handle it yourself or hire a professional, using the right systems for your lifestyle, clearing out the clutter, and giving everything you keep a proper “home”, will allow you to love your home and feel a sense of relief.
Check back for how-to tips, favorite product recommendations, and so much more. If you’d like to schedule your free discovery call use the booking link on the website.
With gratitude,